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In no particular order...

MZ Q&A #2 from Manzin on Vimeo.

The second installment of Q&A. Questions taken from my profile on Ask.fm where you can ask just about anything anonymously. All questions will be answered, but only the most interesting/entertaining questions will be answered on video.

Submit yours here:

MZ Q&A #1 from Manzin on Vimeo.

Every so often I'll be taking anonymous questions from my Ask.fm profile and answering them in video format instead of simple text. This is the first batch. The more and better questions I get, the more likely I'll do this again. Be kinda fun to have a regular video thing. Ah well, experimentation is important for growth. Or some shit.

Submit your question here:

Strange Bedfellows from Manzin on Vimeo.

A Cliffs notes bit of backstory: Haz cut his arm on some broken glass. It didn't look bad so he came home and went to bed, but the wound opened in his sleep and this is what we woke up to. So...yeah, this is my life. Scrubbing blood out of my mattress at 9am before jumping in the car and driving from Brooklyn to Atlantic City for a Manson show. Pretty standard.

Vicious Bedmonster! from Manzin on Vimeo.

Mister Bee is less than helpful when it comes time to put clean sheets back on the bed.

This is a pretty typical night at my place, I try to accomplish things while muttering stupid shit at the cat, he follows me around interfering with my progress.

Things To Do At 6am - Pt 1 from Manzin on Vimeo.

The infamous "extreme violence and gore" video that got me deleted from YouTube. Now you can once again witness something truly disturbing: two drunken models giggling a lot and embarking in some low level play piercing. Holy. Shit. THINK OF THE CHILRUN. MAH VIRJUN EYEZ.

That would be Lola Babalon, by the way. And this was filmed in March 2010.

Things To Do At 6am - Pt 2 from Manzin on Vimeo.

The infamous "extreme violence and gore" video that got me deleted from YouTube. Now you can once again witness something truly disturbing: two drunken models giggling a lot and embarking in some low level play piercing. Holy. Shit. THINK OF THE CHILRUN. MAH VIRJUN EYEZ.

That would be Lola Babalon, by the way. And this was filmed in March 2010.

Manzin Explains: The Pot Rack from Manzin on Vimeo.

Unraveling the mysteries of the kitchen's pot rack.

Mister Bee is NOISY. from Manzin on Vimeo.

Impatient little cat demands I stop filming and serve the gooshyfuds already plzkthx.

As the secret unfilmed finale, Sir decided that the excitement of having a houseful of children and two dogs plus gushyfuds was simply too much for him, and he left it in a puddle on the carpet for me to scrub up 15 minutes later. Thanks, bb.

Manzin's Cheap & Easy Way To Go OMNOMNOM #1 - Smores from Manzin on Vimeo.

Ancient marshmallow peeps have delicious uses.

Mister Bee Meets the Birds from Manzin on Vimeo.

There were birds outside. Much to Sir's dismay, they had no interest in playing with him.

This was the last video I took before I left Ohio. Unfortunately I had to leave Bee behind as well for the time being.

Manzin's Delicious Butterballs Part 1/2 from Manzin on Vimeo.

This is my second year tackling baking duty for the holidays and with the success of the Absinthe Milkshake and Peep Smores videos I thought it'd be fun to make another food-based video. This one walks you through one of my favorite cookies: butterballs. Or snowballs, as some people call them. It's a very messy cookie made with walnuts and plenty of confectioner's sugar.

Here's the recipe, for easy reference:

1 cup butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar
2 TBsp evaporated milk
1 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour

Cream butter & sugar; add milk, vanilla & flour. Add nuts last. Make balls size of walnuts. Place on parchment paper-covered cookie sheet and bake 20 minutes in 325F oven. Check at 15 minutes, do not overbake. Take out when bottoms are golden brown and tops are dry and slightly cracked. Roll in powdered sugar while still warm (multiple coats may be needed).

Makes 2-3 dozen depending on how big your balls are.

Manzin's Delicious Butterballs Part 2/2 from Manzin on Vimeo.

This is my second year tackling baking duty for the holidays and with the success of the Absinthe Milkshake and Peep Smores videos I thought it'd be fun to make another food-based video. This one walks you through one of my favorite cookies: butterballs. Or snowballs, as some people call them. It's a very messy cookie made with walnuts and plenty of confectioner's sugar.

Here's the recipe, for easy reference:

1 cup butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar
2 TBsp evaporated milk
1 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour

Cream butter & sugar; add milk, vanilla & flour. Add nuts last. Make balls size of walnuts. Place on parchment paper-covered cookie sheet and bake 20 minutes in 325F oven. Check at 15 minutes, do not overbake. Take out when bottoms are golden brown and tops are dry and slightly cracked. Roll in powdered sugar while still warm (multiple coats may be needed).

Makes 2-3 dozen depending on how big your balls are.

Manzin's Birthday Surprise 12-12-12 from Manzin on Vimeo.

In which I am given a very special gift from some very special people.

http://www.gofundme.com/1hq5u4 is the link they sent me. ♥

Manzin Explains: This Fucking Bagel from Manzin on Vimeo.

Highway Bagels, home of the best cinnamon raisin bagel anywhere. Cinnanomnomnom.

Home Decorating at the Nachtkabarett from Manzin on Vimeo.

In which a broken pane of window glass leads to a splendid opportunity for some impromptu house painting, Kushner style.

Manzin's Fair Adventure from Manzin on Vimeo.

This is the edited version, the original cut included Dueling Banjos as an opening song, but that got vetoed and I had to ramble forever like a jackass. You know what Dueling Banjos is. Stream it from somewhere else online while you watch the opening. ]

I've had a lot of questions as to when I was going to do another video, so I took my camcorder to the Canfield Fair in Canfield OH. This is sort of a little me-guided tour of my favourite things to see and do at the fair. It's not terribly exciting but you asked for it, so be careful what you wish for.

This video contains uneven camera motion, occasional dizzying scenes, and my usual foul language so you probably don't want to play this with the volume up anywhere you'll get in trouble.

Manzin's Cancun Vacation Video from Manzin on Vimeo.

The vacation was epic. The video, not so much.

Selected highlights from video taken while in Mexico last October. Yes, it takes awhile to get around to editing video because it's such a goddamn chore.

We stayed at the Gran Melia Cancun which was gorgeous and I can't recommend it enough. Spring for the VIP Red Level for extra win. The hike and trip to Coba was part of a package by the Alltournative tour group that I greatly enjoyed and very much recommend. You can find them at www.alltournative.com. Also check out http://tripatlas.com/guides/Mexico/1624/The_Jungles_of_the_Yucatan_in_Mexico_Offer_More_Fun_than_Cancun for a piece by someone who did the same tour I did but wrote a more complete review (and took better photos).

My tour co-pilot is the generous and free-spirited Arden Leigh, seduction coach, modern day geisha and author of "The New Rules of Attraction" which is available through Amazon ( http://amzn.com/1402266529 ) and anywhere else you buy books.

The Hypnotron! from Manzin on Vimeo.

Nick Kushner, Tania and I at Rudy Coby's "Magic vs Science" event at the Magic Castle in Hollywood.

Manzin's Giftmas 2010 from Manzin on Vimeo.

(The song is "Christmas Sucks" by Porn Orchard with their fucking brilliant impersonations of Tom Waits and Peter Murphy.)

People ask me why I wear a black Santa hat that says BAH HUMBUG. If you lived in the holly jolly wonderland where I do, you'd be a bit burned out too. It doesn't help that I have to pass Giftmas decorations when I'm on a Halloween supply run, and I can still pick up discount snowmen come Valentines Day. And Christmas in July. Really, America? Fucking really?

That said, I'm perfectly content to have myself a merry little Giftmas for about 10 days starting on the 20th or so. I love all the lights and the trees, but when you're still eating off snowman plates and it's August, it's time to reconsider the boundaries of the winter holidays.

p.s I won't complain about you wishing me Merry Christmas instead of a Joyful Yule if you don't forget that this whole "reason for the season" thing is THE WINTER SOLSTICE and that Christianity stole the celebration from the pagans in an attempt to convert them and Christians didn't even celebrate Christmas until the 1400s or so. The early settlers didn't even celebrate Christmas because they knew its true origins and considered it a pagan holiday. This is why I celebrate Giftmas. Lose the Christ, keep the presents, the time spent with loved ones, and that warm fuzzy feeling. And the great excuse to bake a shittonne of cookies and get smashed.

p.p.s Have a great winter holiday thing. :)

Expedition to Nowhere from Manzin on Vimeo.

In this episode, I steal Tania's flip cam and wander around S. Alvarado for awhile. I find an interesting shop, poke around inside, and go back home. The footage became a three minute nausea-inducing extravaganza set to the tune of some song I found online.

The song is some norteño thing called El Mono De Alambre.

Don't Give Manzin Eggbeaters from Manzin on Vimeo.

"Class is a very hard thing to define. It could be the swing of a slugger's bat, it could be the lift of a thoroughbred's hoof, it could be the flick of a quarterback's arm. But once you see it, you never forget it."

And if you're looking for it here, you should probably keep looking.

Cheating On Mister Bee from Manzin on Vimeo.

Taken while house/petsitting for some family members who were out of town. You'll have to excuse the shitty descriptions for everything, I know they're not as good as they used to be but I don't remember what they said before YouTube deleted them.

Behind The Scenes from Manzin on Vimeo.

This video is a behind the scenes look at how I go about recreating Marilyn Manson. The clip follows me during my 11 hour shoot, giving the viewers a taste of what it's like for me and what it takes to get to the photographs you see on your screen.

Updated note: Most shoots take far less time, this one was unusually and annoyingly difficult to pull off so it went into extra innings, as it were. Not all shoots are like this.

Mister Bee Interview #1 from Manzin on Vimeo.

Quick interview with Mister Bee involving his escape from the house.

ATM from Manzin on Vimeo.

Don't ask where the money comes out.

Absinthe Milkshake! from Manzin on Vimeo.

The creation of a very delicious absinthe milkshake. If you just want to drink and skip the video, make a vanilla milkshake with slightly less milk than usual and then add a shot of your favorite absinthe. Mansinthe was used in the creation of this video and can be purchased from www.drinkupny.com

8-18 from Manzin on Vimeo.

8/18/2004. Video created during my first pro shoot with G. Krish, edited by S. Sisler.

This version differs slightly from the original as YouTube deleted it when they trashed my account for "extreme gore, violence and nudity" (aka, play piercing on my stomach and three girls in corsets bouncing up and down excitedly).

Into The Fire (Manzin's Ashes Version) from Manzin on Vimeo.

Fell in love with "Into The Fire" from The High End of Low when I first heard it. Did my own piano version. This is for Manson.


Little known Manzin fact #37: I took piano lessons for about 14 years and can play by ear. Back in high school when I wasn't feeling so good about things and my life in general, I'd pick out Manson songs on the piano to amuse and entertain myself and to work through some of my problems. ACSS wasn't the best album to transpose for piano but I did what songs I could.

I hadn't done it in a long time until "Into The Fire" made me remember, and I thought it would be fun to see what I could do with it (and of course make a little video to go with). So this is how it turned out. I started working on the music back in 2009 but the project fell by the wayside for various reasons. Found the notes again a couple months ago and thought it was the right time to finish the project. The most difficult part (other than the guitar solo) was figuring out the best way to combine bass, piano, guitar and vocals on a single line without losing much of the original parts or the feeling behind them. I originally entertained the idea of recording the guitar, bass, vocal and piano parts on four tracks and then combining them in post but it proved much more difficult than originally anticipated and I had to scrap the plan. Also my piano is seriously out of tune so I had to get software to adjust the pitch in post and it took two days of taping to make it all the way through without making mistakes or sounding emotionally bereft. This was a serious labor of love.

The Story of Sergio from Manzin on Vimeo.

One of the lost YouTube classics in which Krissa Amore, Jezahell Van Horn and I recap the Manson show we'd just attended, followed by the telling of the epic tale of Sergio.

I guess in retrospect this is one of the happiest memories I have of Jez and Krissa, one of a couple really great times and fun nights we shared and they will be missed. I hope Krissa finds the peace in death she couldn't find in life.

Lol.ly.gag (verb) ˈlä-lē-ˌgag from Manzin on Vimeo.

Taken during the shoot for my take on the MM/Richard Kern photos for the Lunchbox single, way back in 2004. This is probably the beginning of a long list of reasons why I'm dangerous around cameras, but definitely not the beginning of the reasons themselves.

Behind the Scenes - My Room from Manzin on Vimeo.

Quick video shot at the same time as the Low End of High shoot. It's deliberately dark so you don't see just how messy it is, but the clutter's pretty evident. You know what they say about people with messy rooms.